This body represents our connection to Infinity. Our True Self, literally our Soul. It has a connection with the Heart Chakra. Head to Knee Forward bends are especially helpful. Meditating with the Mantra; Ong Namo-(Truth is My Name), will set you straight. Inhale DEEP!
The 'Protective' Mind. Often the strongest of our bodies. Constantly accessing our situations & environment for danger. It keeps us safe & is balanced with discipline & integrity. Upward Facing Dog & Lion Pose both help to release negative emotions. Breath of Fire is Essential.
The 'Expansive' Mind. It sees opportunity & resources. Self Esteem & Willpower emanate from this place. Our sense of humor & playfulness live here too. Cat/Cow with plenty of energetic breathing works wonders for this one. Take a Camel Ride, they work well too!
Our 'Meditative' Mind. Intution resides in the Neutral mind. It processes information from both the Negative & Positive Minds. It decides which course to take. Meditation works well, with more long, slow, deep breathing. So do Shoulder Stands & Butterfly Pose.
This is the place where all others live. It gives us the ability to sacrifice for the Greater Good. The Teacher lives here. Regular exercise & activity work wonders for the Physical Body.
Plank Pose & The Wheel will help you re-examine your status as a human.
It's the Gift
Your 'Halo' It extends from ear to ear, across the hairline. Associated with the Pituitary Gland, it regulates our Nervous System & Glandular Balance. Downward Facing Dog is welcome here. So is meditation, focusing on the Brow Point, while chanting Ong. Make it Vibrate!
The Electromagnetic Field that surrounds the Physical Body. It acts as the Container for our life force energy, Prana. It also acts as a Shield of Protection. Wearing White any time of year is believed to Expand & Intensify the Aura. Go ahead, give it a try! The Sun is your friend.
Simply by Breathing, we work our Pranic Bodies to bring in Life Force. It gives us the Energy for Action & Accomplishment. Pranayama has a Positive effect on this Body. Long, slow, deep breathing. Alternate Nostrils, for added benefit.
Our Subtle Bodies carry our Soul when we die, as it has a close connection with our Soul Body. It allows us to see beyond what is in front of us. Forward Folds are a good way to spend time with your Subtle body. Meditation slows things down. As always, Breathe, long & slow.
Charisma, Courage & Commitment reside here. A Great way to amplify your Radiance is to practice Kindness,Truth & Excellence in Life.
Wearing White, any time of year, makes a Statement!
Act like Royalty, Walk Like an Egyptian... Kundalini Yoga!
Go Rock Star with it. Live Large & in Charge!
verdeckte küche, llc
covert kitchen p.o. box 2053 eugene, or 97402 usa 503-319-3723
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