SAHASRARA - 8 of eight chakras. It is associated with cosmic awareness, spirituality & complete oneness. It's in tune with the musical note of B. Saddle & Lotus Poses, as well as Savasana are just right for this Chakra. No animal associated, only Pure Human & Devine Qualities exist. Mantra is same as Ajna, The Original sound OM.
Try the -Congee 4 All-
Moon Center -lucky # 7 of eight chakras is mainly associated with ones cowlick, or just below the Crown Chakra toward the front of the head. Also associated with the Pineal Gland, it bestows physical & mental health, vitality & youthfulness, because it produces 'The Nectar of Immortality' (Amrita) Meditation on The Bindu relieves anxiety, depression & nervousness. Fish, Tree & Mountain Poses work wonders to Balance this Chakra.
Plenty of Fresh Water & Clean Living will Greatly Benefit your 'Sanjivini Bhuti' Again no animals associated, only Pure Human & Devine Qualities exist. SHIVOHAM is the Mantra.
AJNA - the sixth of eight chakras, associated with intuition, understanding & visualization. It's note is A. Forward Folds, Pigeon Pose & Hand Stands work to unblock this Chakra. There is no animal associated here, only pure Human & Devine Qualities exist from here on up. The Mantra is OM.
Try the Pitta Dosha -Kitchari 4 All-
VISHUDDHA - # 5 of the eight chakras. Communication, expression & speaking one's truth have meaning with this Chakra. It resonates in the Key of G. Seated Cat/Cow, Shoulder Stands & The Wheel, for those who can. Are awesome for this Chakra! Associated animal is The White Elephant & the Mantra is HAM.
Diwali -Kheer 4 All- is just the ticket!
ANAHATA - 4th of eight chakras. Compassion, friendship & empathy play key roles here. Also the ability to give & receive love play an important role. It's note is F. Upward Facing Dog, Fish Pose & Tree Pose strengthens this Chakra. Animal is Antelope, Mantra is YAM.
Try the Vata Dosha -Kitchari 4 All-
MANAPURA - 3rd of the eight chakras, it plays an important role in the way we handle our emotions. It also is the base of our personal power & our ability to protect ourselves. It also is associated with our passion for life. It vibrates in E. Reverse Plank, Bow Pose & Crescent Pose help to maintain this Chakra. Both animal & Mantra are RAM.
Try the Tri-Dosha -Kitchari 4 All-
SVADHISHTHANA - # 2 of the eight chakras. Creativity, sexuality, relationships & reproduction are all ruled from here. Good or Bad. This Chakra resonates in D. Butterfly Pose, Chair Pose & Extended Side Angle Pose are the ticket for this Chakra. The Crocodile is the animal. Mantra is VAM.
MESIR WAT, was made for loving you. Ethiopian Fire, sure to heat things up a bit!
MULADHARA - the first of eight chakras, is associated with issues of survival, drive & ambition & grounding one's energy in the physical dimension. It's note is C. Child's Pose, Downward Facing Dog & Head to Knee Forward Bends are great to unblock this Chakra. The animal associated with Muladhara is The Elephant with Seven Trunks. Mantra is LAM.
Try the Kapha Dosha -Kitchari 4 All-
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