Initially, restraining the urge to urinate may only cause some mild discomfort. However, holding this urge can make you vulnerable to threatening disorders such as urinary infections, abdominal pain, genital pain and kidney stones. It may cause pain in the bladder and urinary tract, create difficulty in passing urine and cause headaches. Holding the urge to urinate eventually leads to Vata aggravation and causes related ailments.
Restraining the urge to move the bowels, can cause abdominal pain, headaches, difficulty in passing stool, flatulence, bloating and constipation, pain in the calf muscles, colds, and the formation of excessive wind. It will aggravate Vata and Apana vayu (The downward moving prana). This is the main cause of aggravation of Vata, as the colon is the seat of Vata. In the long run, restraining the urge to defecate will cause Vata to change paths or direction, which can cause multiple serious disorders.
The restraining of releasing gas is something that is commonly practiced, especially in the presence of others. It is commonly believed that passing gas is a sign of an unhealthy condition, however it is normal to pass gas up to fourteen times a day. It is only a cause of concern if the the passing of gas causes excessive flatulence, or if it is accompanied by a foul smell. It can cause urinary retention, abdominal pain, bloating, fatigue, inadequate removal of bodily waste, chronic indigestion and multiple Vata related disorders.
Restraining the urge to vomit can be deliberate or instigated by the administration of anti-vomiting medication. Vomiting is a defense mechanism of the body, which usually happens when Pitta and Kapha are aggravated, and should never be restrained. When it is suppressed it can cause itches and rashes, loss of appetite, loss of motivation, anemia, colds and flu, nausea and multiple serious skin disorders. Constant use of antacids and related medicines can suppress the urge to vomit and cause severe disorders.
Disrupting the urge to sneeze can aggravate Udana vayu, which controls the nervous system and movement of the limbs. It can lead to multiple head-related ailments, painful neck spasms. Vertigo and decreased efficiency of the sense organs present in the head. Under the most severe conditions, according to the texts it can even lead to facial paralysis.
Suppressing the urge to burp aggravates Udana vayu, the upward moving vayu. This will almost certainly cause excessive flatulence, as Vata changes its direction. Additionally, it may cause coughing, hiccups, loss of appetite and tremors. In the long run, it can cause the disorders of the lungs and the heart.
Restraining the urge to yawn aggravates Udana vayu. It can lead to multiple head-related ailments, painful neck spasms, spasms and tremors, vertigo and decreased efficiency of the sense organs present in the head.
Due to hectic lifestyles and alternative priorities restraining from eating when hungry is commonly practiced. Even though fasting under certain conditions is considered a valuable practice, one should be aware of the difference between the hunger which arises with healthy fasting (and provides rest to the digestive organs) and excessive hunger. It causes symptoms such as emaciation, faintness and fatigue, loss of appetite, depression and lowered mental efficiency. It directly aggravates Vata and Pitta and the entire digestive system.
Restraining the intake of water when thirsty causes dehydration, causes a loss in brain function and an immediate decrease in mental and physical performance. Early symptoms of dehydration are loss of hearing, faintness and fatigue and vertigo. It causes aggravation of Vata and Pitta, causing increased dryness within the body. Acute dehydration leads to blood thickening and cardiovascular ailments.
Stopping oneself from crying when sad is not uncommon. Tears are a natural bodily response to extremely intense emotions such as extreme happiness or sorrow. Holding the tears back, confines the emotional energy and results in a build-up in the subconscious mind. Emotional suppression leads to various psychosomatic disorders. Common ailments include torticollis, eye ailments, chronic headaches, chronic sinusitis, vertigo and loss of appetite. It aggravates Vata and Pitta.
Restraining oneself from sleeping when tired causes repeated symptoms which include yawning, lethargy, bodily aches, loss of attention, chronic headaches and migraines, disturbed mental activity ailments of the eyes, digestive disorders and insomnia. Adequate sleep is one the pillars of health and well being. It aggravates Vata and Kapha. It initially interferes with Vata, after which it starts producing increased Kapha as a defense mechanism which ultimately leads to Kapha aggravation.
The suppression of panting after exertion causes faintness and fatigue, vertigo and can cause various circulatory ailments. It leads to loss of consciousness, due to a deficient delivery of oxygenated blood to the brain. Additionally it aggravates Vata and Udana vayu. As there is a direct correlation between the respiratory rate and the heart rate, stopping oneself from panting when needed can lead to severe heart related disorders.
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