Pink and maroon colors are best suited for this day. Keeping maroon and pink flowers at home on Sundays will yield good results. If one wears pink or maroon clothes on Sundays one can make friends easily and will enhance one's personality. It is the day which is most suitable to initiate discussions and negotiations about new projects. Consumption of mung dal and bel fruit on Sunday is strongly recommended.
White is the color for Mondays and therefore wearing white dresses and keeping white flowers at home are recommended on Mondays. It is a good day for men seeking favours from women and for making new friends. Taking honey and cucumber on Mondays is likely to yield good results.
Red being the most suitable color for Tuesdays, wearing red clothes and keeping red flowers at home on the day may prove to be good. Men shall be courageous on the day and Tuesdays are the most suitable days to settle long-standing issues. Direct discussions and meetings on Tuesdays can be fruitful. Administrative and hard laborious work should be undertaken on Tuesdays.
Wednesday, are very perceptible on the day. Quarreling at the place of work, beginning new ventures and sexual cohabitation without the intention of conception are some of the major activities that are strongly prohibited on Wednesday as the day is charged with natural volatility. Short journeys, if undertaken in the early morning on Wednesdays, would ensure success. The day is ideal for planting trees, as green is the color of the day. Keeping green plants at home, wearing green clothes and eating beans and gota mung dal on Wednesday would ensure good effects.
Thursday is an excellent day to join any educational institute or to begin any academic pursuits; such activities should, however, be undertaken in the first half of the day. It is a day to visit temples and receiving blessings from our elders. Wearing yellow or off-white clothes, keeping yellow or off-white flowers at home and eating arhar dal, papaya and rice with ghee on Thursdays may bring in good results.
Most suitable for the purchase of new vehicles, Friday is also a good day for medical treatments of serious illness, as the healing energies are most active on the day. Also a suitable day to begin any kind of charitable work, Friday augurs well for anyone traveling.
It is a day for purchasing jewelry, precious stones, ornaments and new houses. Paneer and other milk products are the staple food of the day. Very light blue or white are the colors of the day.
The day also supports financial gains and career advancements and is a good day for purchasing food staples, or horses. It is the best day for digging earth for making wells. Goddess Dakshina Kali being the ruling deity of the day, Saturday is a good day to combat negative forces. There are many instances of big successes achieved on Saturdays. Any work initiated in the first half on Saturday carries a high possibility of success. Shani, the ruling deity of Saturday, is considered an extremely pious figure; anyone leading a pious lifestyle on the day, bereft of luxuries, eating sesame seed paste and grilled black brinjal, keeping purple flowers at home and wearing black clothes, is likely to receive success and blessings of Shani or Saturn.
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die samen der liebe säen