They determine conditions of growth, aging,health & disease. Typically, one of the three doshas predominate & determine ones constitution or mind-body type. There are clear indications when there exists an excess of dosha, throwing the system off balance. For example, with excess Vata there can be mental, nervous & digestive disorders, including low energy & weakening of all body tissues. With excess Pitta, there is toxic blood that gives rise to inflammation & infection. With excess Kapha there is an increase in mucus, weight, edema & lung disease. The key to managing ALL Doshas is balancing oneself with the seasons.
Vata = Fall-Winter
Pitta = Summer
Kapha = Spring
Stay in Harmony with Nature!
The Vata Dosha contains the properties of the elements ether and air. Vata is responsible for our energy and movement as well as for nerve impulses. Breath, speech, circulation, and digestion are all the manifestation of Vata. We experience people with a dominant Vata as enthusiastic, light, and creative. They are quick-witted and open to new experiences. Additionally, they are active and like to move. We like their easiness but not their forgetfulness. Vata people love music and dance. They can relax well when listening to classical music, enjoy warm and gentle oil massages and can forget themselves and the world in the process. A cozy ambiance and soft fabrics such as silk, silk-wool blend, and cotton on the skin provide for basic inner balance. The rooms they live in should radiate warmth and comfort. An easy chair or sofa with a soft fleece blanket helps them to relax quickly. Their spontaneity sometimes leads people with a Vata constitution to rash, meaningless money expenditures. If, on the other hand, Vata people live in equilibrium, they remain vibrant, friendly and creative beings for their entire lives. They are closely connected to the spiritual, which is why meditation is easy for them, as long as they take the time for it.
Pitta contains the properties of the fire and water element, but the former is more pronounced. Thus, Pitta regulates all metabolic processes in the body as well as body temperature and our hormonal balance. Hunger, thirst, and even intelligence are associated with Pitta. These types can be well-structured, manage projects, and concentrate exceptionally well. They want to do something and are practically predisposed. They are a pleasure as teachers because their lessons are logically organized, and everyone can follow their clear manner of expression. The Pitta type spends money more systematically and prudently. The Pitta person likes strong massages with cooling oils (e.g., with rose and sandalwood), enjoying the outdoors as well as a bright and well-ventilated workplace. An open-plan office or working at the stove would make life more difficult for him/her and for colleagues sharing the same space. Pitta types love to exercise outdoors and enjoy measuring their skills with others in order to prove their fighting spirit. They prefer light, loose-fitting clothing made of natural materials in both summer and winter.
With the Kapha type, the earth and water elements meet. Therefore, Kapha unites properties such as heavy, slow, and steady, but also soft, dense, tough, and cold. In the body, Kapha is responsible for solidity and all structures as well as for the right amount of body fluids. We all enjoy the lovable nature of Kapha people, and having them close to us can be a real pleasure. Nothing seems to get them out of balance, and they always seem patient and understanding. They are ideal managers, who calmly handle several issues simultaneously and can also answer other urgent questions while doing so. They retain what they have learned and can remember the minor details. Kapha types have declared regularity and routine as their life principle, which they do not have to work on. This all sounds very positive, but they also have a tendency toward overeating, insufficient exercise, and excessive sleep. Their ability to hold onto things, pounds, and people, coupled with water retention, makes life difficult for them in many respects, but financially, this leads them to wealth and possessions.
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